X-Loop: [email protected] Subject: bug#129: debian-i18n: russian-spanish cant change in display manager Reply-To: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]>, [email protected] Resent-From: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]> Resent-To: [email protected] Resent-CC: [email protected] Resent-Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2017 17:33:02 UTC Resent-Message-ID: <[email protected]> Resent-Sender: [email protected] X-Devuan-PR-Message: report 129 X-Devuan-PR-Package: debian-i18n X-Devuan-PR-Keywords: Received: via spool by [email protected] id=B.150212700518093 (code B ref -1); Mon, 07 Aug 2017 17:33:02 UTC Received: (at submit) by bugs.devuan.org; 7 Aug 2017 17:30:05 +0000 Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: from mail.dyne.org [] by fulcanelli with IMAP (fetchmail-6.3.26) for <debbugs@localhost> (single-drop); Mon, 07 Aug 2017 19:30:05 +0200 (CEST) Received: from mail-io0-f177.google.com (mail-io0-f177.google.com []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by tupac2.dyne.org (Postfix) with ESMTPS id B427218ED2C for <[email protected]>; Mon, 7 Aug 2017 17:25:52 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results: tupac2.dyne.org; dkim=pass reason="2048-bit key; unprotected key" header.d=gmail.com [email protected] header.b=t8l0nYUX; dkim-adsp=pass; dkim-atps=neutral Received: by mail-io0-f177.google.com with SMTP id o9so5060105iod.1 for <[email protected]>; Mon, 07 Aug 2017 10:25:52 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20161025; h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=AU7VeJ4fal4WllP4NUUhUtTKH0k8EIFy7+jCceAYFEY=; b=t8l0nYUXChivqb+WzcOniujS8/77JwXLJmR7uzDwkAJjB9EI0n+LuwNVJgd0hJLT8V NUAANNMMSxo95BreLeVWQHZpYcUBWe++D8YmT6Sfa/nn7XCAdJUXS6ApgpKNBi0NqnnO rFXSeeUq9uPC2S4YswGQFFo6NNJXS5kbsx1thG4V0h1UH7VtZDm7/vV1l+oC4vP3zq+s ML5ycv58zO64Hv9egEqKNUJnQOHv2HmshKVEUHsCWyNa2di4wqQgjDwFxXzLPPvGgCzk j3RFX1p1Mp8jamnifz3DOogG09bRbM8IofezdMeoqQyEPwZBO1yvRVlGRh9m9ljDrErX Nq5w== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=AU7VeJ4fal4WllP4NUUhUtTKH0k8EIFy7+jCceAYFEY=; b=Q96dXMYrOdSqzjW+AC3BgUlf+iOjEeMCfrSLNDQ7DpTJbnE040He+tOg8S0kZ4GxTY /Tjo30FiqVnY55YFylPTN2TLIV1WHEIqYh4WNWdMQk41mEKc/jU3+siQo3ICeyVXwoDv ZRBiWcd2QosF1uMkLEHl2XHczbfIIKrp0ykPpkxyMXCbX/PFlYY5o2YXODFKDWbrKmke AM4nE7RKa2HQrJvZRsmKcgrE8lQi7AR5ugemqwmk9duB3AF2lfPNriEb6DklKjqT/MJq ACZAQ81Ug6Vbf04FRrtPdMuj4DxL2gzbGgXvJyowCml9N6y6aoNyymjHIhHXP5RS2ZCH eowA== X-Gm-Message-State: AHYfb5iEb5BdOAQ8tLoTfwZzMG6bCW9lsKjeLnOHFBGFVlF4DFbk0Dbk gFAD+2hslSC3jCu3jb/7SgBhB9+c1VAn X-Received: by with SMTP id d69mr1312918iog.224.1502126750518; Mon, 07 Aug 2017 10:25:50 -0700 (PDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with HTTP; Mon, 7 Aug 2017 10:25:50 -0700 (PDT) From: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2017 13:25:50 -0400 Message-ID: <CALci+FTUvBe8LixFeqGqkbG_+1e_fBT81wTyNZ0s1fTEWTLupA@mail.gmail.com> To: Devuan Bug Tracking System <[email protected]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.4 required=5.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU,FREEMAIL_FROM,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE,RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2, RCVD_IN_SORBS_SPAM,SPF_PASS autolearn=disabled version=3.4.0 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on tupac2 Package: debian-i18n Severity: grave Tags: l10n Justification: causes non-serious data loss this bug also was reported in debian also, due seems are the main distro (due copies of) Install debian in spanish and added optionally russian and english as alternate languajes.. When try to access in GDM3 login screen, only Spanish and english are available NOTE: all the es_XX, ru_XX and en_XX locales where are generated correctly I Regenerate all the locales again, and remove the stupid gnome-puach dm install the lightdm (due now debians only offerts nothing about display managers) then now russian are available in languaje choices but are not saved for specific users as defaul languje and if does not choose for fist time, next time are not set correctly In resume: 1) the stupid GDM3 does not offer russian languaje option if spanish are default 2) lightdm offers russian laguaje option but are not saved for users that choose it 3) if user forgot to use russian, when logout and choose it, no russian are showed 4) if spanish are default or english, missing russian entries are in desktop 5) only gonmepuach desktop use complete russian translations, Xfce4 and LXDE does not . 6) russian translations appears only when are set by default, and then spanish are missing Locale: LANG=es_VE.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=es_VE.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO) http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com
X-Loop: [email protected] From: [email protected] (Devuan bug Tracking System) To: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]> Subject: bug#129: Acknowledgement (debian-i18n: russian-spanish cant change in display manager) Message-ID: <[email protected]> In-Reply-To: <CALci+FTUvBe8LixFeqGqkbG_+1e_fBT81wTyNZ0s1fTEWTLupA@mail.gmail.com> References: <CALci+FTUvBe8LixFeqGqkbG_+1e_fBT81wTyNZ0s1fTEWTLupA@mail.gmail.com> Precedence: bulk X-Devuan-PR-Message: ack 129 X-Devuan-PR-Package: debian-i18n X-Devuan-PR-Keywords: Reply-To: [email protected] Thank you for the problem report you have sent regarding Devuan. This is an automatically generated reply, to let you know your message has been received. It is being forwarded to the developers mailing list for their attention; they will reply in due course. Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s): [email protected] If you wish to submit further information on your problem, please send it to [email protected] (and *not* to [email protected]). Please do not reply to the address at the top of this message, unless you wish to report a problem with the bug-tracking system. Devuan Bugs Owner (administrator, Devuan bugs database)
X-Loop: [email protected] Subject: bug#129: problem detected and solution must be adopted, lightdm/slim are broken Reply-To: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]>, [email protected] Resent-From: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]> Resent-To: [email protected] Resent-CC: [email protected] Resent-Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2017 02:33:01 UTC Resent-Message-ID: <[email protected]> Resent-Sender: [email protected] X-Devuan-PR-Message: report 129 X-Devuan-PR-Package: debian-i18n X-Devuan-PR-Keywords: Received: via spool by [email protected] id=B129.15022452043751 (code B ref 129); Wed, 09 Aug 2017 02:33:01 UTC Received: (at 129) by bugs.devuan.org; 9 Aug 2017 02:20:04 +0000 Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: from mail.dyne.org [] by fulcanelli with IMAP (fetchmail-6.3.26) for <debbugs@localhost> (single-drop); Wed, 09 Aug 2017 04:20:04 +0200 (CEST) Received: from mail-io0-f182.google.com (mail-io0-f182.google.com []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by tupac2.dyne.org (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 9C41218E57E for <[email protected]>; Wed, 9 Aug 2017 02:19:04 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results: tupac2.dyne.org; dkim=pass reason="2048-bit key; unprotected key" header.d=gmail.com [email protected] header.b=Sgv4Uh1Z; dkim-adsp=pass; dkim-atps=neutral Received: by mail-io0-f182.google.com with SMTP id j32so20293248iod.0 for <[email protected]>; Tue, 08 Aug 2017 19:19:04 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20161025; h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=PgrryXeTyqxry1tMhzlrTVLvEOTWeOkk/nhuFW42vRM=; b=Sgv4Uh1Z3SxxeBqaxMmudDAvGUFjzBOn4IwZ9DJysq+KrJr3DnEenIvsJRQKXORw/M kt57/E5OBYczKNKhoZkDd0kTuyDMtyxXzUmCWqMt6AA3PRFzzZF6E+OVuX76iV61dPm+ 8ZbdusF+hzNQYvisC+2HqLBGlAC2xs7YZftXRBfMdrNxgMG6s+KP7K/RcvFQ3LYPwhjD U/sYfygIiQn+aEkikqrAU2zaLHldy6RALeByvVjCQ1OG6BLhC2/dvANROmqnjFF2sdDX 2Xx2aK9MZ9eFr2k4Gc8oWCyQnGKofbpaevb+JimsAviCw4WQmUIVvcEcQziQYzasuivJ mJcw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=PgrryXeTyqxry1tMhzlrTVLvEOTWeOkk/nhuFW42vRM=; b=eE4trVJ5T4ifogIGvm0/m5Al7dlFD3gQsfjE8N6RAM/zXJHbDaIxtNcFkGmAF3M06d ggHCZQ+4S34LKbq9tqZ/eygY3Vf57Xm4L38cIxHXIedKK4JRghpWLRgeuQUSGnCkNGYT fybRfHd4D5P0FfJqArb5+s+AvrUUJ1jBI4a4wH5vyOrli8YH2c8qXahIjAC9KOye1ZeH ceEOFtHQJ1nI05e2e/X/DfqrpT7wdbv4dlSaqRaI0dmFXT2oldtp7ekM96oIDTeOjBfQ yNqSxUYcAlu9sEHpzRsC9+nTD20taxcedPD/VN1W6K8C2fi6BQpM6CnsgChZ+6EoVTxX dVfQ== X-Gm-Message-State: AIVw110Zk/deZZ6WeOol1+hz1sYe8fVz9AytPTUcozgUPaKQtXknYbTx cjWS6rwHiKIvjtSk3AntQtojXmR/Dr4N X-Received: by with SMTP id q202mr5539770iod.100.1502245142643; Tue, 08 Aug 2017 19:19:02 -0700 (PDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 8 Aug 2017 19:19:02 -0700 (PDT) From: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]> Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 22:19:02 -0400 Message-ID: <CALci+FRA1PYnYpsukKgk6hj88UudaFA_5QVT2+jU0XRoG_+G4Q@mail.gmail.com> To: [email protected] Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="94eb2c05c30417c92f055648b4e9" X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.4 required=5.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU,FREEMAIL_FROM,HTML_MESSAGE,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE,RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2, RCVD_IN_SORBS_SPAM,SPF_PASS autolearn=disabled version=3.4.0 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on tupac2 --94eb2c05c30417c92f055648b4e9 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" I confirmed, its a problem in display managers .. all the debian (and obviously in consecuence now devuan) display managers are broken.. the lxdm patch debian/patches/22_ubuntu-i18n_oneiric.patch uses the profile file to internally set and copy the LC_xxxx environment variables and property set languaje to desktop user i backported the LXDM pacakge to Devuan from debian experimental, removed systemd and use as default display manager, can now login and set file names correctly and use better the unstranslated entries in xfce4 menues.. sorry about xfce4 but not set property the languaje environment if are mixed *the problem was also inherit from debian due Devuan its just a copy without systemd.. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871401 <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871401>* *The post in dev2galaxy forum when a administrator reconized the problem for years in refracta;* 1) TAKING IN CONSIDERATIONS THE DISPLAY MANAGERS: gdm does not exits anymore -> gdm3 and its broken for mixed/multilingual kdm does not exist anymore -> was superset by lightdm+kde theme lightdm shows the alternates languajes but does not saved and does not set property all the settings lxdm are not in repositories, and only are in experimental/sid sddm are only in winbuntu and not in debian , so then not in devuan *slim*, does not have languaje selector, so unusefull wdm ??? please! xdm !!!! please are complety broken does nto set property the langs nodm does not set languaje, user wants to change (many users use a same session as invited users) *Last edited by mckaygerhard (Today 16:15:45)* *Online* - Report <https://dev1galaxy.org/misc.php?report=4278> - Delete <https://dev1galaxy.org/delete.php?id=4278> - Edit <https://dev1galaxy.org/edit.php?id=4278> - Quote <https://dev1galaxy.org/post.php?tid=1050&qid=4278> #19 Today 19:01:00 <https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?pid=4279#p4279> *fsmithred <https://dev1galaxy.org/profile.php?id=6>**Administrator*Registered: 2016-11-24Posts: 255Email <https://dev1galaxy.org/misc.php?email=6> mckaygerhard wrote: i dont understand why devuan, err i mean DEBIAN only offers 4 display managers and only two of them are complex with all features (GDM3 and lightdm) Maybe nobody is interested enough to do the work on those other display managers. Or maybe there are enough devs who think you should be using gdm3 with gnome3 and liking it the way they serve it to you. so then its a fact that devuan its just a debian copy without systemd, the same problem are in debian.. Yeah, some of the same. And a good portion of the few devuan devs who exist would be happy to not have to worry about creating a desktop distribution and let people do that downstream. i propose that Devuan has packages of LXDM (years in unstable in Debian) and others like sddm or property package others, winbuntu offers more choices: https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/x-display-manager Please tell me more about the lxdm you're using. Where did you get it, and did you have to apply the patch yourself? I use lightdm in my Refracta isos, and the language selector has caused difficulties for years. We have a custom live-config script to get around the problems, but that only works in a live session. #20 Today 19:18:02 <https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?pid=4280#p4280> Re: Utf8 problems in X vs console for file names and others fsmithred wrote: Or maybe there are enough devs who think you should be using gdm3 with gnome3 and liking it the way they serve it to you. WTF!!! i must use gnome-puach due those guys have delirium of power! i dont think the freedom are in this way! so then its a fact that devuan its just a debian copy without systemd, the same problem are in debian.. Yeah, some of the same. And a good portion of the few devuan devs who exist would be happy to not have to worry about creating a desktop distribution and let people do that downstream. i ts the firs time that a devuan forum administrator acepts the facts! Please tell me more about the lxdm you're using. Where did you get it, and did you have to apply the patch yourself? I use lightdm in my Refracta isos, and the language selector has caused difficulties for years. We have a custom live-config script to get around the problems, but that only works in a live session. 1) you using the wrong display manager, the guys that make lightdm assumed only one languaje per system.. also lightdm try to be simple and light but nevermind! its now complicated and requite lot of depends 2) lxdm! please, the name itselft said! LXDE Display Management, low depends, too low (compiles into gtk 2.20 and libc6 2.3.6) and i send many patches to upstream and to debian to solve many bugs.. 3) custom scripts must be in postsession in display managers seems you are manage the problem in worng way.. or well, lxdm provides like ifconig script post and pre login steps to inserts scripts i packaged to venenux here: http://intranet1.net.ve/venenux/mskcommon/desktop/lxdm/ debian has lasted with my patches/bugsreports included: https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=lxdm so means ASCII in Devuan now will have lxdm available.. devuan must backport the lxdm to jessie to solve the broken and stupid slim/lightdm limitations and errors *well devuan must change the slimm to lxdm if want to avoid languaje problems*, the only problem i found in lxdm are screens sizes in dell T110 special servers and Asus Eeepc 2G/4G 7XX models as i documented in the friendsofdevuan wiki site! i have repackaged and adapted yet to non-systemd in the venenux repo cited previously so its not dificult! pleaase, counting that* lxdm solved many things.. make sense must be adopted by the devuan manpowers* Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO) http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com --94eb2c05c30417c92f055648b4e9 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <div dir=3D"ltr"><br><div class=3D"gmail-postright"> <p>I confirmed, its a problem in display managers .. all the=20 debian (and obviously in consecuence now devuan) display managers are=20 broken.. </p><p>the lxdm patch=C2=A0=20 debian/patches/22_ubuntu-i18n_oneiric.patch uses the profile file to=20 internally set and copy the LC_xxxx environment variables and property=20 set languaje to desktop user</p><p>i backported the LXDM pacakge to Devuan = from debian experimental, removed systemd and use as default display manage= r, <br></p><p> can now login and set file names=20 correctly and use better the unstranslated entries in xfce4 menues..=C2=A0= =20 sorry about xfce4 but not set property the languaje environment if are=20 mixed</p> <p class=3D"gmail-postedit"><em>the problem was also inherit from deb= ian due Devuan its just a copy without systemd.. <a href=3D"https://bugs.de= bian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=3D871401">https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bi= n/bugreport.cgi?bug=3D871401</a><br></em></p><p class=3D"gmail-postedit"><b= r><em></em></p><p class=3D"gmail-postedit"><em>The post in dev2galaxy forum= when a administrator reconized the problem for years in refracta;<br></em>= </p><br></div><div class=3D"gmail-postright">1) TAKING IN CONSIDERATIONS TH= E DISPLAY MANAGERS:<br></div><div class=3D"gmail-postright"><div class=3D"g= mail-postmsg"> <p>gdm does not exits anymore -> gdm3 and its broken for mixed/mul= tilingual<br>kdm does not exist anymore -> was superset by lightdm+kde t= heme<br>lightdm shows the alternates languajes but does not saved and does = not set property all the settings<br><span class=3D"gmail-bbu">lxdm are not= in repositories, and only are in experimental/sid</span><br>sddm are only = in winbuntu and not in debian , so then not in devuan<br><strong>slim</stro= ng>, <span class=3D"gmail-bbu">does not have languaje selector, so unuseful= l</span><br>wdm ??? please!<br>xdm !!!! please are complety broken does nto= set property the langs<br>nodm does not set languaje, user wants to change= (many users use a same session as invited users)</p> <p class=3D"gmail-postedit"><em>Last edited by mckaygerhard (Today 16= :15:45)</em></p> </div> </div><div id=3D"gmail-p4278" class=3D"gmail-blockpost gmail-roweven"><= div class=3D"gmail-box"><div class=3D"gmail-inbox"><div class=3D"gmail-post= body"> </div> </div> <div class=3D"gmail-inbox"> <div class=3D"gmail-postfoot gmail-clearb"> <div class=3D"gmail-postfootleft"><p><strong>Online</strong></p></div> <div class=3D"gmail-postfootright"> <ul><li class=3D"gmail-postreport"><span><a href=3D"https://dev1galaxy= .org/misc.php?report=3D4278">Report</a></span></li><li class=3D"gmail-postd= elete"><span><a href=3D"https://dev1galaxy.org/delete.php?id=3D4278">Delete= </a></span></li><li class=3D"gmail-postedit"><span><a href=3D"https://dev1g= alaxy.org/edit.php?id=3D4278">Edit</a></span></li><li class=3D"gmail-postqu= ote"><span><a href=3D"https://dev1galaxy.org/post.php?tid=3D1050&qid=3D= 4278">Quote</a></span></li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id=3D"gmail-p4279" class=3D"gmail-blockpost gmail-rowodd"> <h2><span><span class=3D"gmail-conr">#19</span> <a href=3D"https://dev1gal= axy.org/viewtopic.php?pid=3D4279#p4279">Today 19:01:00</a></span></h2> <div class=3D"gmail-box"> <div class=3D"gmail-inbox"> <div class=3D"gmail-postbody"> <div class=3D"gmail-postleft"> <dl><dt><strong><a href=3D"https://dev1galaxy.org/profile.php?id=3D6">= fsmithred</a></strong></dt><dd class=3D"gmail-usertitle"><strong>Administra= tor</strong></dd><dd><span>Registered: 2016-11-24</span></dd><dd><span>Post= s: 255</span></dd><dd class=3D"gmail-usercontacts"><span class=3D"email"><a= href=3D"https://dev1galaxy.org/misc.php?email=3D6">Email</a></span></dd></= dl> </div> <div class=3D"gmail-postright"><cite>mckaygerhard wrote:</cite><div cla= ss=3D"gmail-postmsg"><div class=3D"gmail-quotebox"><blockquote><div><p> i dont understand why devuan, err i mean DEBIAN only offers 4 display=20 managers and only two of them are complex with all features (GDM3 and=20 lightdm)</p></div></blockquote></div><p>Maybe nobody is interested=20 enough to do the work on those other display managers. Or maybe there=20 are enough devs who think you should be using gdm3 with gnome3 and=20 liking it the way they serve it to you.</p><div class=3D"gmail-quotebox"><b= lockquote><div><p>so then its a fact that devuan its just a debian copy wit= hout systemd, the same problem are in debian..</p></div></blockquote></div>= <p>Yeah, some of the same. And a good portion of the few devuan devs who exist=20 would be happy to not have to worry about creating a desktop=20 distribution and let people do that downstream.</p><div class=3D"gmail-quot= ebox"><blockquote><div><p>i propose that Devuan has packages of LXDM (years in unstable in Debian)=20 and others like sddm or property package others, winbuntu offers more=20 choices: <a href=3D"https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/x-display-manager" r= el=3D"nofollow">https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/x-display-manager</a></p= ></div></blockquote></div><p>Please tell me more about the lxdm you're using. Where did you get it, and di= d you have to apply the patch yourself? I use lightdm in my Refracta=20 isos, and the language selector has caused difficulties for years. We=20 have a custom live-config script to get around the problems, but that=20 only works in a live session.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div><span><span class=3D"gmail-conr">#20</span> <a href=3D"https://dev1= galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?pid=3D4280#p4280">Today 19:18:02</a></span></div><= /div><div id=3D"gmail-p4280" class=3D"gmail-blockpost gmail-roweven"> <div class=3D"gmail-box"> <div class=3D"gmail-inbox"> <div class=3D"gmail-postbody"><br>Re: Utf8 problems in X vs console for = file names and others<div class=3D"gmail-postright"> <div class=3D"gmail-postmsg"> <div class=3D"gmail-quotebox"><cite>fsmithred wrote:</cite><blockquot= e><div><p>Or maybe there are enough devs who think you should be using gdm3= with gnome3 and liking it the way they serve it to you.</p></div></blockqu= ote></div><p>WTF!!! i must use gnome-puach due those guys have delirium of = power! i dont think the freedom are in this way!</p><div class=3D"gmail-quo= tebox"><blockquote><div><div class=3D"gmail-quotebox"><blockquote><div><p>s= o then its a fact that devuan its just a debian copy without systemd, the s= ame problem are in debian..</p></div></blockquote></div><p>Yeah, some of the same. And a good portion of the few devuan devs who exist=20 would be happy to not have to worry about creating a desktop=20 distribution and let people do that downstream.</p></div></blockquote></div= ><p>i ts the firs time that a devuan forum administrator acepts the facts!<= /p><div class=3D"gmail-quotebox"><blockquote><div><p>Please tell me more about the lxdm you're using. Where did you get it, and di= d you have to apply the patch yourself? I use lightdm in my Refracta=20 isos, and the language selector has caused difficulties for years. We=20 have a custom live-config script to get around the problems, but that=20 only works in a live session.</p></div></blockquote></div><p>1) you=20 using the wrong display manager, the guys that make lightdm assumed only one languaje per system.. also lightdm try to be simple and light but=20 nevermind! its now complicated and requite lot of depends<br>2) lxdm!=20 please, the name itselft said! LXDE Display Management, low depends, too low (compiles into gtk 2.20 and libc6 2.3.6) and i send many patches to upstream and to debian to solve many bugs..<br>3) custom scripts must=20 be in postsession in display managers seems you are manage the problem=20 in worng way.. or well, lxdm provides like ifconig script post and pre=20 login steps to inserts scripts</p><p>i packaged to venenux here: <a href=3D= "http://intranet1.net.ve/venenux/mskcommon/desktop/lxdm/" rel=3D"nofollow">= http://intranet1.net.ve/venenux/mskcommon/desktop/lxdm/</a><br>debian has l= asted with my patches/bugsreports included: <a href=3D"https://packages.deb= ian.org/search?keywords=3Dlxdm" rel=3D"nofollow">https://packages.debian.or= g/search?keywords=3Dlxdm</a></p><p>so means ASCII in Devuan now will have lxdm available.. devuan must=20 backport the lxdm to jessie to solve the broken and stupid slim/lightdm=20 limitations and errors</p><strong>well devuan must change the slimm to lxdm= if want to avoid languaje problems</strong>, the only problem i found in lxdm are screens sizes in dell T110 special servers and Asus Eeepc 2G/4G 7XX models as i documented in the=20 friendsofdevuan wiki site!</div></div></div></div></div></div><p><span clas= s=3D"gmail-bbu">i have repackaged and adapted yet to non-systemd in the ven= enux repo cited previously</span> so its not dificult! pleaase, counting th= at<strong> lxdm solved many things..=C2=A0 make sense must be adopted by th= e devuan manpowers</strong></p><br><br clear=3D"all"><div><div class=3D"gma= il_signature"><font color=3D"#888888">Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)</font><d= iv><font color=3D"#888888"><a href=3D"http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com" tar= get=3D"_blank">http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com</a></font></div></div></div= > </div> --94eb2c05c30417c92f055648b4e9--
X-Loop: [email protected] From: [email protected] (Devuan bug Tracking System) To: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]> Subject: bug#129: Info received (was problem detected and solution must be adopted, lightdm/slim are broken) Message-ID: <[email protected]> In-Reply-To: <CALci+FRA1PYnYpsukKgk6hj88UudaFA_5QVT2+jU0XRoG_+G4Q@mail.gmail.com> References: <CALci+FRA1PYnYpsukKgk6hj88UudaFA_5QVT2+jU0XRoG_+G4Q@mail.gmail.com> Precedence: bulk X-Devuan-PR-Message: ack-info 129 X-Devuan-PR-Package: debian-i18n X-Devuan-PR-Keywords: Disabled-Doogie-Reply-To: [email protected] Thank you for the additional information you have supplied regarding this problem report. It has been forwarded to the developer(s) and to the developers mailing list to accompany the original report. Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s): [email protected] If you wish to continue to submit further information on your problem, please send it to [email protected], as before. Please do not reply to the address at the top of this message, unless you wish to report a problem with the bug-tracking system. Devuan Bugs Owner (administrator, Devuan bugs database)
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Received: (at control) by bugs.devuan.org; 18 Feb 2018 19:40:06 +0000 Return-Path: <[email protected]> Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: from tupac3.dyne.org [] by fulcanelli with IMAP (fetchmail-6.3.26) for <debbugs@localhost> (single-drop); Sun, 18 Feb 2018 20:40:05 +0100 (CET) Received: from mx-out1.startmail.com (mx-out1.startmail.com []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by vm6.ganeti.dyne.org (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 2897CF60997 for <[email protected]>; Sun, 18 Feb 2018 20:35:13 +0100 (CET) Authentication-Results: vm6.ganeti.dyne.org; dkim=pass (2048-bit key; unprotected) header.d=startmail.com [email protected] header.b="GFzHghS1"; dkim-atps=neutral To: [email protected] DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=startmail.com; s=2017-11; t=1518982480; bh=1OCVZDyMLBKAUfTdMsNnOQ2sERL41GIP7+04psLqo6w=; h=To:From:Date:From; b=GFzHghS1VmAUGCd4vsa4vqw8NQwsFDN9PuFvgjR4kn6ed0xhVKBwY11EAcWNX9KGW 92/ds7fCweCNM4Fk6U3+KC22PJT/hCUIO/LeIZ7hoq3mJfDYOrhQY07kWrQkBf37fE U0a9ADsedyBQONLcqmVEcnIgrlm5hGmMIm7OqwQWv3KffBYELxd7AGoECU6igSS8vw UnJjBp0F+qPJwwz3Zy24li+TivLoN16cUB+B2AqpLrU1Qsh8BZD15Iu7OPyFgQEQyy ELKzz2bKtLtltLc5JD+kgy+WxlFOwrU0pjfDw50jc7QzjsEPqSILsufw5KcXv3JlF2 kqBAIENB3aylA== From: OmegaPhil <[email protected]> Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2018 19:34:39 +0000 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Language: en-GB Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Spam-Status: No, score=1.7 required=5.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU,MISSING_SUBJECT,RP_MATCHES_RCVD,SPF_PASS autolearn=disabled version=3.4.1 X-Spam-Level: * X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.1 (2015-04-28) on tupac3.dyne.org tags 14 ascii tags 157 ceres tags 178 jessie tags 129 jessie ascii tags 184 ascii tags 174 ascii tags 172 ascii tags 171 jessie ascii tags 170 jessie tags 116 experimental tags 177 ascii tags 42 ascii tags 181 ascii tags 161 jessie tags 180 ascii tags 176 jessie tags 76 jessie ascii tags 173 ascii tags 179 ceres tags 182 ascii tags 56 jessie
Received: (at control) by bugs.devuan.org; 20 Jan 2023 16:58:44 +0000 Return-Path: <[email protected]> Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: from email.devuan.org [2001:41d0:2:d06e::5c4:2612] by doc.devuan.org with IMAP (fetchmail-6.4.16) for <debbugs@localhost> (single-drop); Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:58:44 +0000 (UTC) Received: from email.devuan.org by email.devuan.org with LMTP id bUoyDP7HymO0YQAAmSBk0A (envelope-from <[email protected]>) for <[email protected]>; Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:34 +0000 Received: by email.devuan.org (Postfix, from userid 109) id 28FE892; Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:34 +0000 (UTC) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.6 (2021-04-09) on email.devuan.org X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.4 required=5.0 tests=RDNS_DYNAMIC,SPF_PASS autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.6 Received-SPF: Pass (mailfrom) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=mx.hindley.org.uk; [email protected]; receiver=<UNKNOWN> Received: from mx.hindley.org.uk (193-36-131-86.cfwn.uk []) by email.devuan.org (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D5D6A84 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:33 +0000 (UTC) Received: from apollo.hindleynet ([] helo=hindley.org.uk) by mx.hindley.org.uk with smtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <[email protected]>) id 1pIuho-0000yg-Kl for [email protected]; Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:32 +0000 Received: (nullmailer pid 14555 invoked by uid 1000); Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:32 -0000 Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:32 +0000 From: Mark Hindley <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: bug 129 is forwarded to https://bugs.debian.org/871401 Message-ID: <[email protected]> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline User-Agent: devscripts bts/2.22.2 X-Debbugs-No-Ack: No Thanks tags 129 debian forwarded 129 https://bugs.debian.org/871401 thanks
Received: (at control) by bugs.devuan.org; 20 Jan 2023 16:58:44 +0000 Return-Path: <[email protected]> Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: from email.devuan.org [2001:41d0:2:d06e::5c4:2612] by doc.devuan.org with IMAP (fetchmail-6.4.16) for <debbugs@localhost> (single-drop); Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:58:44 +0000 (UTC) Received: from email.devuan.org by email.devuan.org with LMTP id bUoyDP7HymO0YQAAmSBk0A (envelope-from <[email protected]>) for <[email protected]>; Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:34 +0000 Received: by email.devuan.org (Postfix, from userid 109) id 28FE892; Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:34 +0000 (UTC) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.6 (2021-04-09) on email.devuan.org X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.4 required=5.0 tests=RDNS_DYNAMIC,SPF_PASS autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.6 Received-SPF: Pass (mailfrom) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=mx.hindley.org.uk; [email protected]; receiver=<UNKNOWN> Received: from mx.hindley.org.uk (193-36-131-86.cfwn.uk []) by email.devuan.org (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D5D6A84 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:33 +0000 (UTC) Received: from apollo.hindleynet ([] helo=hindley.org.uk) by mx.hindley.org.uk with smtp (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from <[email protected]>) id 1pIuho-0000yg-Kl for [email protected]; Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:32 +0000 Received: (nullmailer pid 14555 invoked by uid 1000); Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:32 -0000 Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:57:32 +0000 From: Mark Hindley <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: bug 129 is forwarded to https://bugs.debian.org/871401 Message-ID: <[email protected]> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline User-Agent: devscripts bts/2.22.2 X-Debbugs-No-Ack: No Thanks tags 129 debian forwarded 129 https://bugs.debian.org/871401 thanks
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