Devuan logs - #68, boring messages

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Subject: bug#68: udev logging not working in Devuan Jessie rc
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Package: udev

Version: 215-17+deb8u6

I had the need to get a log from udev. I found four ways to do this:

1. changing /etc/udev/udev.conf, and inserting there udev_log="debug"

2. passing to the kernel the parameter udev.log-priority=debug (at boot time)

3. declaring the environment variable UDEV_LOG=debug

4. using udevadm (this only works after boot)

I tried the first three options (I needed a log at boot), and none worked.

So I downgraded udev to the version included with Debian Wheezy (175-7.2). This allowed a log (I used the first method) in /var/log/daemon.log.

I suspect udev in Jessie to rely on systemd for producing logs.
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<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
</head><body><p>Package: udev</p><p>Version:&#160;215-17+deb8u6</p><p>I had the need to get a log from udev. I found four ways to do this:</p><p>1. changing /etc/udev/udev.conf, and inserting there udev_log=&#34;debug&#34;</p><p>2. passing to the kernel the parameter&#160;udev.log-priority=debug (at boot time)</p><p>3. declaring the environment variable UDEV_LOG=debug</p><p>4. using udevadm (this only works after boot)</p><p>I tried the first three options (I needed a log at boot), and none worked.</p><p>So I downgraded udev to the version included with Debian Wheezy (175-7.2). This allowed a log (I used the first method) in /var/log/daemon.log.</p><p>I suspect udev in Jessie to rely on systemd for producing logs.</p></body></html>

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tags 133 ascii
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tags 117 ascii
tags 127 jessie
tags 120 ascii
tags 20 jessie
tags 148 jessie
tags 148 ascii
tags 149 ascii
tags 149 jessie
tags 135 ascii
tags 136 jessie
tags 134 jessie
tags 134 ascii
tags 143 ascii
tags 143 jessie
tags 54 jessie
tags 54 ascii
tags 154 ascii
tags 154 jessie
tags 48 jessie
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tags 113 jessie
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tags 41 jessie
tags 119 jessie
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tags 64 jessie
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tags 58 jessie
tags 110 jessie
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tags 166 jessie
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tags 130 jessie
tags 107 ascii
tags 162 ascii
tags 106 ascii
tags 155 jessie
tags 55 jessie
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tags 79 jessie
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Devuan BTS -- Powered by Debian bug tracking system
Copyright (C) 1999 Darren O. Benham,
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Last modified: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 20:39:01 UTC