Devuan bug report logs - #827
initramfs-tools-core: modprobe and depmod not found

Package: devuan-project; Severity: grave; Reported by: "G. L. Gragnani" <[email protected]>; merged with #812, #813, #821, #823, #826, #828; Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>; Maintainer for devuan-project is (unknown).

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Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 12:06:27 +0000
From: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: bug#812: Devuan project: merged-usr
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Merged /usr is now enforced by base-files 13devuan4 and handled by debootstrap
1.0.134devuan2. Both of these versions are present in ceres and excalibur:

 base-files  | 13devuan4      | excalibur  | source, all
 base-files  | 13devuan4      | unstable   | source, all
 debootstrap | 1.0.134devuan2 | excalibur  | source, all
 debootstrap | 1.0.134devuan2 | unstable   | source, all

Golinux also posted an announcement[1] on the forum.

Therefore I am closing these reports as fixed.



Merged 812 813 821 823 826 827 828 Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.
Removed indication that 827 affects netcat-traditional, sed, linux-headers-6.6.8-amd64, firmware-realtek, kmod, and initramfs-tools-core Added indication that 827 affects firmware-realtek,linux-headers-6.6.8-amd64,kmod,sed,initramfs-tools-core,netcat-traditional Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.
Added indication that 827 affects kmod Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.
Merged 812 813 821 823 826 827 Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.
Removed indication that 827 affects linux-headers-6.6.8-amd64, initramfs-tools-core, netcat-traditional, sed, and firmware-realtek Added indication that 827 affects firmware-realtek,initramfs-tools-core,netcat-traditional,linux-headers-6.6.8-amd64,sed Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.
Added indication that 827 affects initramfs-tools-core Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.
Merged 812 813 821 823 827 Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.
Added indication that 827 affects netcat-traditional,linux-headers-6.6.8-amd64,firmware-realtek,sed Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.
No longer marked as found in versions 0.142. Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.
bug reassigned from package 'initramfs-tools-core' to 'devuan-project'. Request was from Mark Hindley <[email protected]> to [email protected]. Full text available.

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From: Lorenzo <[email protected]>
To: "G. L. Gragnani" <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected], devuan developers internal list
 <[email protected]>, Devuan Bug Tracking System
 <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [devuan-dev] bug#827: initramfs-tools-core: modprobe and depmod
 not found
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
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On Fri, 05 Jan 2024 08:33:17 +0100
"G. L. Gragnani" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Package: initramfs-tools-core
> Version: 0.142
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable
> Dear Maintainer,
> mkinitramfs reports a series of errors of this kind:
> /sbin/modprobe not found
> depmod not found

a duplicate of #826 and #828

> I'm attaching a file of the output.
> Is this bug related to the usr-merge problem?

Yes, upstream (Debian) is moving *everything* from /bin /sbin /lib to
their /usr counterparts ( /usr/bin /usr/sbin ..) to mitigate problems
between usrmerge layout and dpkg [1].

Expect /bin /sbin /lib in your unmerged system to become empty very


Acknowledgement sent to Lorenzo <[email protected]>:
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to [email protected]. Full text available.
Information forwarded to [email protected], [email protected]:
bug#827; Package initramfs-tools-core. Full text available.

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From: "G. L. Gragnani" <[email protected]>
To: Devuan Bug Tracking System <[email protected]>
Subject: initramfs-tools-core: modprobe and depmod not found
Message-ID: <170443999759.896.10551056389088412250.reportbug@net3ema>
X-Mailer: reportbug 12.0.0+devuan3
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2024 08:33:17 +0100
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Package: initramfs-tools-core
Version: 0.142
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable

Dear Maintainer,

mkinitramfs reports a series of errors of this kind:
/sbin/modprobe not found
depmod not found

I'm attaching a file of the output.

Is this bug related to the usr-merge problem?


-- System Information:
Distributor ID:	Devuan
Description:	Devuan GNU/Linux 5 (daedalus/ceres)
Release:	5
Codename:	daedalus ceres
Architecture: x86_64

Kernel: Linux 6.6.9-amd64 (SMP w/8 CPU threads; PREEMPT)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE=en_US:
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: sysvinit (via /sbin/init)
LSM: AppArmor: enabled

Versions of packages initramfs-tools-core depends on:
ii  coreutils     9.4-3
ii  cpio          2.14+dfsg-1
ii  e2fsprogs     1.47.0-2+b1
ii  eudev [udev]  3.2.14-1
ii  klibc-utils   2.0.13-2
ii  kmod          31-1
ii  logsave       1.47.0-2+b1
ii  udev          1:3.2.9+devuan4

Versions of packages initramfs-tools-core recommends:
ii  busybox-static [busybox]  1:1.36.1-6
ii  zstd                      1.5.5+dfsg2-2

Versions of packages initramfs-tools-core suggests:
ii  bash-completion  1:2.11-8

-- no debconf information

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Processing_triggers_for_initramfs-tools_errors_and_warnings.txt"

Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.142) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.6.9-amd64
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/casper: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/fuse: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/lvm2: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thermal: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thermal: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thermal: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thermal: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thin-provisioning-tools: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thin-provisioning-tools: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thin-provisioning-tools: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thin-provisioning-tools: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thin-provisioning-tools: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/thin-provisioning-tools: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/dmsetup: 100: /sbin/modprobe: not found
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/dmsetup: 101: /sbin/modprobe: not found
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 439: depmod: not found


Acknowledgement sent to "G. L. Gragnani" <[email protected]>:
New bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to [email protected]. Full text available.
Report forwarded to [email protected], [email protected]:
bug#827; Package initramfs-tools-core. Full text available.

Devuan BTS -- Powered by Debian bug tracking system
Copyright (C) 1999 Darren O. Benham,
1997 nCipher Corporation Ltd, 1994-97 Ian Jackson.

Devuan Bugs Owner <[email protected]>.
Last modified: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 14:39:01 UTC