Devuan bug reports: Normal bugs - resolved
For other kinds of index or for other information about
Devuan and the bug system, see the
bug system top-level
contents WWW page.
(Closed bugs are archived 28 days after the last related message is received.)
- #879: dbus: failed upgrade, fails to read dbus.conf
Package: dbus;
Reported by: "Dimitris T." <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #875: libmimalloc3: illegal instruction error when called from mtxrun --generate
Package: libmimalloc3;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #874: man1/gcc.1: Where did the manual page go? I can't find it
Package: gcc-doc;
Reported by: Alejandro Colomar <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #868: pcscd: initscript removal not fully reverted
Package: pcscd;
Reported by: Andrew Bower <[email protected]>;
Keywords: patch;
Done: [email protected].
- #865: Subject: python3-apt: undefined symbol: _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE10_M_replaceEmmPKcm
Package: python3-apt;
Reported by: Jeffrey Cliff <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #862: Xorg losing USB device
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #858: Detection of ebury malware in debuan system
Package: daedalus 5.0 live cd;
Reported by: Alter Kim <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #856: bash: Invalid processing of Parameter Expansion
Package: bash;
Reported by: murzik <[email protected]>;
Keywords: upstream;
merged with #855;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #855: Invalid processing of Parameter Expansion
Package: bash;
Reported by: murzik <[email protected]>;
Keywords: upstream;
merged with #856;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #853: base-files: daedalus' version too low for automatic migration from bookworm
Package: base-files;
Reported by: Ingo Saitz <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #848: Pd: Problems starting kea-dhcp4-server
Package: kea-dhcp4-server;
Reported by: Jerzy Sobczyk <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #842: initscripts bug - /etc/init.d/rc.local does not run /etc/rc.shutdown on shutdown
Package: initscripts;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: [email protected].
- #841: libelogind-compat blocks apt upgrade
Package: libelogind-compat;
Reported by: Michael Knoop <[email protected]>;
merged with #838;
Done: [email protected].
- #840: polkitd: package fails to install if systemd-standalone-sysusers is installed
Package: polkitd;
Reported by: Maxim R Chintalov <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #838: libpam-modules-bin: Last libpam-modules-bin cannot be installed
Package: libelogind-compat;
Reported by: "G. L. Gragnani" <[email protected]>;
merged with #841;
Done: [email protected].
- #837: debootstrap: Requires explicit --merged-usr for excalibur/ceres
Package: debootstrap;
Reported by: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #831: mosquitto: Startup script fails
Package: mosquitto;
Reported by: Koos van den Hout <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
merged with #628;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #830: Switch debbugs to send mail via email.d.o
Reported by: Boian Bonev <[email protected]>;
Owned by: Boian Bonev <[email protected]>;
Done: Boian Bonev <[email protected]>.
- #808: Broken OPENSSL_init_ssl and debian unwilling to fix their bugs
Package: apt-listchanges;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: unreproducible moreinfo debian;
Done: Boian Bonev <[email protected]>.
- #802: openrc: openrc-run: to many broken options
Package: openrc;
Reported by: Lorietta <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #801: Suspend/wake problem: screens do not come back
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: tempforever <[email protected]>;
Done: Boian Bonev <[email protected]>.
- #799: No system sounds in xterm
Package: xserver-xorg;
Reported by: Friedhelm Mehnert <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #796: debootstrap excalibur from daedalus
Package: debootstrap;
Reported by: dan <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #793: Xorg libseat needs to handle duplicate file descriptors.
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: Fran Vazquez <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: [email protected].
- #782: Xorg crashes when switching to a console
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: Tom <[email protected]>;
merged with #779,
Done: [email protected].
- #781: Xorg crashes when switching to a console
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: Tom <[email protected]>;
merged with #779,
Done: [email protected].
- #780: Xorg crashes when switching to a console
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: Tom <[email protected]>;
merged with #779,
Done: [email protected].
- #779: Xorg crashes when switching to a console
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: Tom <[email protected]>;
merged with #780,
Done: [email protected].
- #778: cron-apt does not report repositories with GPG problems
Package: cron-apt;
Reported by: Koos van den Hout <[email protected]>;
merged with #777;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #777: cron-apt does not report repositories with GPG problems
Package: cron-apt;
Reported by: Koos van den Hout <[email protected]>;
merged with #778;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #772: udev: specified group 'sgx' unknown
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Forever Jekyll <[email protected]>;
Keywords: daedalus;
Done: [email protected].
- #764: [Live daedalus] reportbug fails
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Bud Heal <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #761: slim: label position in slimlock vs. slim (fix included)
Package: slim;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: [email protected].
- #755: rsyslog-8.2302.0-1~bpo11+1devuan1 installs broken /usr/lib/rsyslog/rsyslog-rotate script
Package: rsyslog;
Reported by: Steve Vialle <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #754: python3-reportbug: Should depend on python3-debianbts >= 3.2
Package: python3-reportbug;
Reported by: "David (Plasma) Paul" <[email protected]>;
Keywords: patch;
Done: [email protected].
- #750: installer is missing kenel modules
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #749: initscripts: /etc/init.d/halt calls halt with unsupported options
Package: runit-init;
Reported by: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #743: debian-installer: Add new arm64 images to daedalus release notes
Package: debian-installer;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: Arne Wichmann <[email protected]>.
- #740: xserver-xorg-core: keyboard/mouse lockup after switching VC1/2/3
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #739: /etc/init.d/slim: fails to stop slim daemon with sysvinit
Package: slim;
Reported by: Jan Hamrle <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #738: Missing symbol fuse_new_31
Package: libfuse3-3;
Reported by: [email protected];
Owned by: Andreas Messer <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian upstream;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #735: New forked xorg fails to start with a nouveau driver
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #733: Daedalus previews and localisation
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #731: needrestart -b on AMD processors complains of perl uninitialized variable
Package: needrestart;
Reported by: George Robbert <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #727: ntp* missing from desktop tasks
Package: src:tasksel;
Reported by: Valentin <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #725: libvkd3d-doc: The installation gives an error
Package: libvkd3d-doc;
Reported by: Joerg Schiermeier <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #724: libfluidsynth-dev should not depend on systemd
Package: libfluidsynth-dev;
Reported by: Johannes Werner <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #723: init-system-helpers: update-rc.d calls systemctl on a SysVinit system, creating a recursion
Package: systemctl-service-shim;
Reported by: [email protected] (Wolfgang Wegner);
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: [email protected].
- #722: poppler-utils unistallabe - libpoppler102 version conflict
Package: poppler-utils;
Reported by: amc252 <[email protected]>;
Keywords: unreproducible moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #720: New rsyslog logs '[localhost]' instead of the real hostname
Package: rsyslog;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: upstream;
Done: [email protected].
- #719: Firefox-esr 91 have some vulnerabilities and apt-get can not delivery a newer version
Package: firefox-esr;
Reported by: Alter Kim <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #717: polkitd: package failed to install when systemd-standalone-sysusers was installed
Package: polkitd;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #711: stterm: Package does not include desktop file
Package: stterm;
Reported by: Echedey López Romero <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #710: stterm: Make it available as x-www-terminal alternative
Package: stterm;
Reported by: Echedey López Romero <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #707: isa-support: sse2-support and sse3-support fails to install on Intel Prescott CPU
Package: isa-support;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #706: yarnpkg: depends on incompatible version of commander
Package: yarnpkg;
Reported by: Kristof Csillag <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #703: Fwd: Chromium managed mode after clean install + bloat extension
Package: chromium;
Reported by: Владимир Сутулов <[email protected]>;
Keywords: upstream;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #699: smokeping: Init script fails to stop smokeping
Package: smokeping;
Reported by: TS Lura <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
merged with #499;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #694: xfce4-power-manager: dmesg shows xfce4-power-man segfault in
Package: xfce4-power-manager;
Reported by: Csaba Tóth <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #691: reportbug: test
Package: reportbugd;
Reported by: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>;
Keywords: invalid;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #686: dpkg: error processing package initramfs-tools
Package: lvm2;
Reported by: gigi <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #685: Unneeded dependency for systemd-standalone-tmpfiles
Package: lvm2;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #682: diversion of anacron not properly removed upon system install
Package: refractainstaller-base;
Reported by: ". fsmithred" <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #681: netboot.tar.gz and mini.iso fail at "Download installer components": "No kernel modules found"
Package: debian-installer;
Reported by: Jernej Jakob <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #680: RPCBind incorrect or incomplete runlevels
Package: rpcbind;
Reported by: Ken Dibble <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #677: reportbug-gtk: fails to send email to Debian
Package: reportbug-gtk;
Reported by: Gary Koskenmaki <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #673: upgrade-system: Please restore cron.daily snippet for non-systemd systems
Package: upgrade-system;
Reported by: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #672: tomcat9: d/changelog signature missing.
Package: tomcat9;
Reported by: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #671: Error in `/usr/share/doc-base/libvkd3d-doc.vkd3d', line 7: no `Format' section found.
Package: libvkd3d-doc;
Reported by: Joerg Schiermeier <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #670: LXDE missing from tasksel
Package: tasksel;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: [email protected].
- #669: libjs-jquery-datatables: jquery.dataTables(.min).js is not in package included / bug (or feature?) in buld/
Package: libjs-jquery-datatables;
Reported by: "st.briest" <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #668: samba on chimaera:i386 fails for logging and sockets
Package: samba;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #667: rsync: fails to honour a tilde (~) in --log-file option
Package: rsync;
Reported by: Dave <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #666: nx-x11-common: x2go font path not set correctly
Package: nx-x11-common;
Reported by: Hanno Foest <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #661: dovecot fails to authenticate system users
Package: dovecot-core;
Reported by: David Matthews <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #660: Upgrade from 1.14 to 1.16 fails due to dependency problem
Package: wesnoth;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #657: Incompatible string concatination in matchit
Package: vim-runtime;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian upstream;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #656: reportbug: Adding check for debian imported packages
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Alexandros Prekates <[email protected]>;
Keywords: patch;
Done: [email protected].
- #655: gccintro: Broken link in the gccintro's package tracker page
Package: gccintro;
Reported by: Alexandros Prekates <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
merged with #654;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #654: gccintro: Broken link in Tracker
Package: gccintro;
Reported by: Alexandros Prekates <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
merged with #655;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #653: start-stop-daemon: matching only on non-root pidfile /run/puppet/ is insecure
Package: puppet-master;
Reported by: Joril <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #648: Encrypted install does not boot
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #646: orphan-sysvinit-scripts: rsyslog script and links removed
Package: orphan-sysvinit-scripts;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #645: parole: would not play mp4 video file
Package: parole;
Reported by: kapqa <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
merged with #644;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #644: parole: would not play mp4 video file
Package: parole;
Reported by: kapqa <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
merged with #645;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #639: RM: iwd -- ROM; redundant now
Package: package-mirrors;
Reported by: Job Bautista <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #638: gdebi: graphical user mode fails to install .deb packages
Package: gdebi;
Reported by: kapqa <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #637: xpdf crashes the window manager
Package: xpdf;
Reported by: David Haworth <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian invalid;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #636: wmnut: Tens digit of load level indicator isn't updated when no tens digit should be shown anymore
Package: wmnut;
Reported by: Juan Leseduarte <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #635: dbus: init script missing
Package: dbus;
Reported by: topro <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #634: backuppc: Backuppc fail to start on a clean installation
Package: backuppc;
Reported by: Fabio Muzzi <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian patch;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #629: lintian: false positive: "unknown-field Description" in source package
Package: lintian;
Reported by: Hannah Rittich <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #628: mosquitto: unable to open pidfile for writing - missing directory /run/mosquitto
Package: mosquitto;
Reported by: Flavio Stanchina <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
merged with #831;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #625: amprolla generates InRelease without arch:all
Package: amprolla;
Reported by: Boian Bonev <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #624: chimaera-backports priority isn't set correctly
Package: amprolla;
Reported by: Jorenz Paragas <[email protected]>;
merged with #623;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #623: chimaera-backports repo being used unprompted- missing pin priority
Package: amprolla;
Reported by: juu <[email protected]>;
merged with #624;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #620: enlightenment: SVG application icons are not displayed in menu or panel
Package: enlightenment;
Reported by: Peter <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #619: elogind crashes with needrestart's defaults
Package: elogind;
Reported by: Rene Kita <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #618: Bugs in KDE Plasma using Chimaera
Package: plasma-discover;
Reported by: Gilberto Ferreira <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #617: initscripts: brightness init script sets brightness to zero, thus blanking laptop display
Package: initscripts;
Reported by: Martin Steigerwald <[email protected]>;
Keywords: patch;
Done: [email protected].
- #616: base-files: building a kernel from source fails with new base-files
Package: base-files;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #615: kexec-tools: Package fails to install
Package: kexec-tools;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #614: gnome-keyring unable to unlock login keyring
Package: gnome-keyring;
Reported by: Saša Janiška <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #611: Package cherrytree is missing from Beowulf
Package: cherrytree;
Reported by: Joril <[email protected]>;
Keywords: invalid;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #610: xfce4: Upgraded to chimaera - application menu lost its icons
Package: xfce4;
Reported by: Luigi Bai <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #609: Rebuilding libratbag needs systemd
Package: libelogind0;
Reported by: Darren Salt <[email protected]>;
Keywords: chimaera patch ceres;
merged with #435,
Done: [email protected].
- #605: libvirt-daemon: qemu-system-common : Breaks: libvirt-daemon (< 7.2.0-1) but,7.0.0-3+devuan3 is to be installed
Package: libvirt-daemon;
Reported by: Make IT Work <[email protected]>;
Done: Andreas Messer <[email protected]>.
- #604: sensible-editor uses deprecated "which" from debianutils
Package: sensible-utils;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #600: eudev package removal error
Package: eudev;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: [email protected].
- #597: debian-podman-config-override: Podman missing cgroup mount
Package: debian-podman-config-override;
Reported by: Hannah Rittich <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #595: podman: Podman fails to run containers in the default configuration
Package: src:debian-config-override;
Reported by: Hannah Rittich <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #593: fwupd: Missing sysvinit script
Package: fwupd;
Reported by: Dennis Camera <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #592: grub fixing
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #591: trusting the CD
Package: base-installer;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #590: Missing 'task-gnome-desktop' Recommends in 'task-desktop'
Package: task-desktop;
Reported by: "Thierry B." <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #588: System freezes with the latest kernel update
Package: linux-image-4.9.0-16-amd64;
Reported by: Григорий <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #587: Fw: Chimaera Mate net install
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #584: No support for runit as init on air-gapped installs
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #582: Konsole properties: "Show in menu" is missing in "Profiles"
Package: konsole;
Reported by: Joerg Schiermeier <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #576: chimaera branding
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #574: libczmq4: czmq doesn't compile when using libelogind-dev instead of libsystemd-dev
Package: libelogind0;
Reported by: florine forine <[email protected]>;
Keywords: chimaera ceres patch;
merged with #435,
Done: [email protected].
- #573: Please add LXDE to desktop choices
Package: tasksel;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #572: file-manager area-select is opaque
Package: clearlooks-phenix-theme;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #568: New libvirt0 needs to be devuanized
Package: libvirt0;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: Andreas Messer <[email protected]>.
- #567: New version of apt needs to be devuanized
Package: apt;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: Andreas Messer <[email protected]>.
- #566: Sensitive Information Disclosure
Package: jenkins server;
Reported by: Nitish Singh <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #565: tg3.c:8159:1: error: unrecognizable insn:
Package: gcc-11;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #563: elogind disables desktop and login power buttons
Package: elogind;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #562: dnscrypt-proxy: apt-get build-dep dnscrypt-proxy usually fails
Package: libelogind0;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Keywords: patch ceres chimaera;
merged with #435,
Done: [email protected].
- #561: claws-mail: Segfault on selecting empty 'X-Face' custom header
Package: claws-mail;
Reported by: Florian Zieboll <[email protected]>;
Keywords: upstream debian;
Done: Florian Zieboll <[email protected]>.
- #557: gpsd: autopkgtest always fails by calling systemctl
Package: src:gpsd;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ceres chimaera;
Done: [email protected].
- #555: python3-fusepy: package version much older in ceres than Debian sid
Package: python3-fusepy;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ceres chimaera;
Done: Sebastian Dalfuß <[email protected]>.
- #550: Unconditional addgroup kvm trouble
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Bob Proulx <[email protected]>;
Done: Bob Proulx <[email protected]>.
- #548: eudev: postinst fails when kvm group present
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Meeuwissen Olaf <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #546: /var/log/boot isn't rotated
Package: bootlogd;
Reported by: Ingo Brückl <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: [email protected].
- #545: thunderbird: missing labels for "Date and time Formatting" options
Package: thunderbird;
Reported by: Flavio Stanchina <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #543: DAEMON_ARGS in /etc/init.d/salt-minion prevents salt-minion startup
Package: salt-minion;
Reported by: Samuli Airaksinen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #540: slim fails to get logind session if logout/login cycle is rapid
Package: slim;
Reported by: Frank <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #538: eudev: error message while booting a machine with btrfs
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Wilfried Klaebe <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #537: mpv crashes on exit and all windows that have not been closed up to this point hang
Package: mpv;
Reported by: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #536: init option "runit" missing for i386
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #535: No grub menu on uefi install
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #533: Tasksel default settings may be confusing.
Package: tasksel;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #532: devuan-installer: netinstall iso does not boot uefi
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #531: kbd: Init scripts were stripped at 2.0.3-2
Package: kbd;
Reported by: Elliott Mitchell <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #529: lightdm: on login, lightdm starts a second xserver on the next tty, with mirrored xsession
Package: lightdm;
Reported by: Florian Zieboll <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #528: python3-reportbug: fails to install due to syntax error
Package: python3-reportbug version: 7.8.0+devuan1 severity: grave;
Reported by: "Gerard H. Pille" <[email protected]>;
Keywords: invalid moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #527: udev rule for btrfs is not built correctly (fwd)
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Bodo Eggert <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #525: network-manager: during upgrade network-manager does not start
Package: network-manager;
Reported by: "Dimitris T." <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo unreproducible;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #524: Beowolf install ISO missing apt-transport-https
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Ladar Levison <[email protected]>;
Keywords: beowulf;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #522: Shorewall6 fails to initialise IPv6 netfilter rules.
Package: shorewall6;
Reported by: Patrick Meehan <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #517: ascii 2.1 - saned init script is broken
Package: sane-utils;
Reported by: Martin Finkbeiner <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #515: enlightenment fails to shutdown, reboot, suspend
Package: enlightenment;
Reported by: Yves Combe <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
merged with #513;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #513: enlightenment fails to shutdown, reboot, suspend
Package: enlightenment;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: debian;
merged with #515;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #511: /usr/bin/querybts: querybts works with debian only
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #510: Devuan-installer performs unnecessary rsync
Package: refractainstaller-gui;
Reported by: David Waring <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #501: grub-pc: Security update can break grub - grub_calloc not found
Package: grub-pc;
Reported by: Geoff <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #499: Smokeping service unable to stop/restart
Package: smokeping;
Reported by: ShadowM00n <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
merged with #699;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #494: lightdm: please add user lightdm to the audio group
Package: lightdm;
Reported by: Gregory Nowak <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #493: lightdm: please make sure xserver-share=false is set in lightdm.conf
Package: lightdm;
Reported by: Gregory Nowak <[email protected]>;
Done: Gregory Nowak <[email protected]>.
- #491: snmpd: Default not sourced, SNMPDOPTS not changed, 'ia_addr' error resurrected
Package: snmpd;
Reported by: Alessandro Vesely <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #487: i386 desktop installer iso has mis-matched kernel and headers packages
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #485: grub-pc bootloader does not work in some cases
Package: refractainstaller-gui;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #484: ffmpeg: version 7:4.3-2 of libraries cause chromium 81.0.4044.92-1 aw snap errors
Package: ffmpeg;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #483: eudev: eudev sometimes fails to generate initial hotplug events
Package: eudev;
Reported by: David Kuehling <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #482: Important library in /usr
Package: libelogind0;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: [email protected].
- #479: xcfe4-power-manager: Can't configure laptop lid
Package: xcfe4-power-manager;
Reported by: Michaela Merz <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #478: USB access web browser - Devuan ASCII
Package: firefox-esr;
Reported by: Michaela Merz <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #477: installer: mount options missing
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #475: reportbug --bts debian doesn't work because of relaying denied
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #472: cgmanager: autopkgtest fails with openrc and succeeds with sysvrc
Package: cgmanager;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #468: python platform.linux_distribution() returns debian
Package: libpython2.7-minimal;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #462: RC netinstall iso does not load firmware-iwlwifi neither
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Done: Brian Medley <[email protected]>.
- #458: package accountsservice (Beowulf) only ships a systemd service unit
Package: accountsservice;
Reported by: Mason Loring Bliss <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #457: Beowulf upgrade drops "sbin" directories from root $PATH
Package: util-linux;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #454: devuan-installer: beowulf beta netinstall ISO image does not configure locale or timezone
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Matthew T Hoare <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #452: devuan-installer: Grub says the operating system is Debian!!
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Done: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>.
- #448: devuan-project: runit-init should be included in "Init Freedom" page.
Package: devuan-www;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #447: devuan-project: list of other pseudo-packages gives 403 Forbidden
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #444: /etc/init.d/agetty is excluded from the package
Package: openrc;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #443: init: should depend runit-init and openrc
Package: init;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #438: Lightdm action-menu on login screen present but inactive
Package: lightdm;
Reported by: Andre Kiepe <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #435: Need to document techniques for building packages depending on libsystemd-dev
Package: libelogind0;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: chimaera ceres patch;
merged with #562,
Done: [email protected].
- #432: lightm: orca is silent as "couldn't register with accessibility bus"
Package: lightdm;
Reported by: Gregory Nowak <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: [email protected].
- #431: vim-gtk3: Unreadable font since update to gtk3
Package: vim-gtk3;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #429: DOSEmu handling of FIFO in comports
Package: dosemu;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #428: cgroupfs-mount: Cannot remove cgroupfs-mount
Package: cgroupfs-mount;
Reported by: Ryutaroh Matsumoto <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: [email protected].
- #427: reportbug: cli reportbug indentifies missing 'gir1.2-vte-2.91' in Beo Beta 32bit 3.0.0
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Gary Olzeke <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #425: policykit-1 dependency is declared as "logind" instead of "elogind"
Package: policykit-1;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #424: Wrong ID in os-release?
Package: base-files;
Reported by: David Reviejo <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #423: elogind does not ship udev rules for power buttons handling
Package: elogind;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #421: isc-dhcp-client: no ipv6 prefix set automatically
Package: isc-dhcp-client;
Reported by: Adrian Zaugg <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #418: festlex-ifd: SIOD ERROR: wrong type of argument to get_c_utt when using italian language
Package: festlex-ifd;
Reported by: Fabio Muzzi <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #415: debbugs-el package no longer exists in beowulf
Reported by: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #414: devuan-installer: [I18N] Language selection dialog missing glyphs
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #413: devuan-installer: amd64 ISO images have only grub-efi-ia32 packages
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #411: beowulf / Distribution id should be devuan
Package: base-files;
Reported by: "yann.masson" <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #409: problem with xfce4 in ceres
Package: xfce4-session;
Reported by: Michael Knoop <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ceres;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #407: eudev preinst fails to detect availability of requisite kernel features
Package: eudev;
Reported by: KORN Andras <[email protected]>;
Keywords: patch;
merged with #383;
Done: [email protected].
- #405: Iptables --tcp-option off by one
Package: iptables;
Reported by: Andrey Nikitushkin <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #404: From A. V. Hwclock issue
Package: util-linux;
Reported by: Andrey Nikitushkin <[email protected]>;
Keywords: invalid;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #402: initramfs-tools: initrd image not successfully loading for kernel built with gcc-10
Package: initramfs-tools;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #400: message during upgrade
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Dimitris <[email protected]>;
merged with #399;
Done: Svante Signell <[email protected]>.
- #399: message during upgrade
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Dimitris <[email protected]>;
merged with #400;
Done: Svante Signell <[email protected]>.
- #395: lightdm cannot be installed/is removed by apt-get dist-upgrade
Package: lightdm;
Reported by: Nicola Orrù <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #394: Cinnamon on Beowulf - Power Management fails to update battery status
Package: gir1.2-upowerglib-1.0;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: beowulf;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #392: When pid1==runit, mis-detects container and doesn't start
Package: eudev;
Reported by: KORN Andras <[email protected]>;
Done: Svante Signell <[email protected]>.
- #391: keyring is not not unlocked
Package: slim;
Reported by: Saša Janiška <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #390: Default SMTP host is ""
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Simon Richter <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #388: Duplicate bugs created from single [email protected] message
Reported by: Dimitris <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #386: Please fix another bug in "dnscrypt-proxy" package
Package: dnscrypt-proxy;
Reported by: Andrey Nikitushkin <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #385: test
Package: refractainstaller-base;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #384: dnscrypt-proxy typo in init script
Package: dnscrypt-proxy;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #383: eudev: Probably incorrect installation error about missing kernel sumbols.
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Arne Wichmann <[email protected]>;
Keywords: patch;
merged with #407;
Done: [email protected].
- #380: libsqlite3-0 3.31.0-1 causes firefox/firefox esr to crash
Package: libsqlite3-0;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #379: base-files: 10.3+devuan4 breaks building of kernels using make bindeb-pkg
Package: base-files;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #377: kde systemsettings crash
Package: systemsettings;
Reported by: Tito <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #374: konqueror crashes
Package: konqueror;
Reported by: Tito <[email protected]>;
Keywords: beowulf;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #371: minimal-live should have usbutils
Package: minimal-live;
Reported by: Robert Sachunsky <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #369: nvidia-cuda-dev: Missing folder in LIBRARIES environment variable in /etc/nvcc.profile
Package: nvidia-cuda-dev;
Reported by: Eyal Rozenberg <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #368: incorrect repositories in apt-mirror default configuration file
Package: debian-config-override;
Reported by: Mike Peabody <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #365: Outdated binutils-i686-linux-gnu version in Beowulf
Package: binutils-i686-linux-gnu;
Reported by: Idar <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #364: Beowulf: avrdude does not work with Atmel-ICE any more
Package: avrdude;
Reported by: "Dr. Nikolaus Klepp" <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #363: lsb-release: breakiing critical non standar output for LSB release and codename
Package: lsb-release;
Reported by: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]>;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #361: xdm chooser still carry debian logo
Package: debian-config-override;
Reported by: "Andrea Baldoni" <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #360: emacs: No GUI emacs, no LXQT Menu for Emacs
Package: emacs;
Reported by: Gordon Haverland <[email protected]>;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #359: Reference to Systemd in /etc/init.d/networking
Package: ifupdown;
Reported by: Stephane Ascoet <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #355: apt: Unexpected linkage dependency on libsystemd
Package: apt;
Reported by: Andreas Messer <[email protected]>;
Done: Andreas Messer <[email protected]>.
- #354: broken dependencies during install
Package: wine32:i386;
Reported by: Marek =?UTF-8?B?Tm/Fvmth?= <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #353: base-files: `dpkg-vendor --query Parent` isn't set
Package: base-files;
Reported by: Daniel Abrecht <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #350: inadyn fails to write its own pid file due to folder ownership by root
Package: inadyn;
Reported by: Eyal Rozenberg <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #346: reportbug fails to start after already configured
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Andy Alt <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #345: In xfce, clock almost disappears after changing format
Package: xfce4-panel;
Reported by: Andy Alt <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian upstream;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #344: broken language files
Package: consolekit;
Reported by: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #343: xen: Fails to boot Xen by default
Package: xen-hypervisor-4.8-amd64;
Reported by: Elliott Mitchell <[email protected]>;
Done: Elliott Mitchell <[email protected]>.
- #342: rkhunter default config false warning re: systemd
Package: rkhunter;
Reported by: "Jon C. LeBlanc" <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #341: tcptraceroute: package depends on not installed by requirements
Package: tcptraceroute;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #340: quassel-core: no permission to open certificate file, cannot write quasselcore configuration
Package: quassel-core;
Reported by: Martin <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #337: prelink: kodi binary segfaults if prelinked
Package: prelink;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #336: prelink: running prelink on systemsettings5 causes segfault when running application
Package: prelink;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #334: eudev service might be using an incomplete PATH
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Guenther Brunthaler <[email protected]>;
Done: Svante Signell <[email protected]>.
- #333: usb-modeswitch no longer creates /dev/gsmmodem symlink
Package: usb-modeswitch-data;
Reported by: Guenther Brunthaler <[email protected]>;
Done: Svante Signell <[email protected]>.
- #330: mutt: getting segfault when setting format string of "spam" option to ""
Package: mutt;
Reported by: Antoine Finch <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo unreproducible;
Done: Arne Wichmann <[email protected]>.
- #328: libu2f-udev: rules are not functional, permissions not being set
Package: libu2f-udev;
Reported by: Distributed Shenanigans <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #326: firmware [non-free] uninstallable.
Package: firmware-amd-graphics;
Reported by: Bruno <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #325: Installing libuuid:i386 causes some packages removal
Package: libuuid1:i386;
Reported by: Zakaria Saputra <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #324: no i386 updates in version 390.116-1
Package: nvidia-driver-libs;
Reported by: Eric Mullins <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #323: With clearlooks-phenix-darkpurpy-theme, Checkboxes Don't Appear on Webpages in epiphany-browser ("Web")
Package: clearlooks-phenix-darkpurpy-theme;
Reported by: James Mahoney <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #322: nextcloud-desktop-cmd: missing dependancy to nextcloud-desktop-common ; GUI dependancies
Package: nextcloud-desktop-cmd;
Reported by: Mathieu Roy <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #321: apparmor: Add /etc/mdns.allow to abstractions/mdns
Package: apparmor;
Reported by: Luigi Bai <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #320: broken package: intel-microcode
Package: intel-microcode;
Reported by: Prof Al <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #319: openrc savecache doesnt run start()
Package: openrc;
Reported by: dxrobertson <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #316: Package 'haveged' wont start on Devuan Beowulf due to broken PID file specification
Package: haveged;
Reported by: Mike Tubby <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian beowulf;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #315: dbus continuous spam in xorg logs
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #314: gpsd: ..2'nd roll over bug: gpsd "clock is 56 years wrong", like "1963-07-18T08:57:40.584Z"
Package: gpsd;
Reported by: Arnt Karlsen <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #310: Removal of jessie-backports from debian mirrors
Package: aptitude;
Reported by: "Nik Wrt" <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #309: remove flag "-f" in pidof
Package: sysvinit-utils;
Reported by: KatolaZ <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #308: add memtest86+ in minimal-live
Package: minimal-live;
Reported by: KatolaZ <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #307: Configuring network interfaces during boot takes too much time.(if ethernet cable not connected or no signal)
Package: sysvinit;
Reported by: Kostis Leledakis <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Arne Wichmann <[email protected]>.
- #305: kernel-package: latest post 5.0.0 kernels fail to build
Package: kernel-package;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #304: dbus machine-id
Package: dbus;
Reported by: ". fsmithred" <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #303: devuan-baseconf: replaces /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devuan.list without asking
Package: devuan-baseconf;
Reported by: Dimitris <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #302: elogind: doesn't seem to be updating lastlog
Package: elogind;
Reported by: "Dimitris T." <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #301: slim logins don't get registered in utmp
Package: slim;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #299: Dependencies of "ssh" on arch amd64
Package: ssh;
Reported by: "Mario A. Guerra" <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #296: policykit: Unable to mount USB stick from Desktop session due to default policykit rule
Package: policykit-1;
Reported by: JieFK <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #294: task-kde-desktop silently pulls in unattended-upgrades
Package: python3-software-properties;
Reported by: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #292: eudev causes false postive in rkhunter
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Chris Dos <[email protected]>;
Done: Svante Signell <[email protected]>.
- #291: add some packages useful for rescue purposes
Package: minimal-live;
Reported by: Gonzalo =?UTF-8?B?UMOpcmV6?= de Olaguer =?UTF-8?B?Q8OzcmRvYmE=?= <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #289: Fw: openmpi-doc-3.1.3-10: errors installing over 3.1.3-5
Package: dh-fortran-mod;
Reported by: Gordon Haverland <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #287: tahoe-lafs: dependency ... was not found by pkg_resources
Package: tahoe-lafs;
Reported by: Antoine Finch <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #286: tahoe-lafs: "tahoe -V" gives following Warning: dependency ... was not found by pkg_resources.
Package: tahoe-lafs;
Reported by: Antoine Finch <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #285: Falkon browser displays nothing
Package: falkon;
Reported by: Kristopher John Gamrat <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #284: e4defrag segfaults
Package: e2fsprogs;
Reported by: Kristopher John Gamrat <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #282: task-xfce-desktop in beowulf/ceres requires missing xfce4-mixer
Package: task-xfce-desktop;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #279:* and testing* still point to previous releases
Package: devuan-project;
Reported by: Don Wright <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #275: Policykit-1: can't poweroff or restart from xfce user menu
Package: policykit-1;
Reported by: =?utf-8?Q?Jos=C3=A9_Marinho?= <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #273: sysvinit-core: init version not shown in boot-up messages
Package: sysvinit-core;
Reported by: Arthur Marsh <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #272: xfdesktop4 package does not allow me to change desktop background
Package: xfdesktop4;
Reported by: =?utf-8?Q?Jos=C3=A9_Marinho?= <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #271: crytpsetup: none
Package: cryptsetup;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #270: unable to connect using TLSv1.2.
Package: mariadb-client;
Reported by: Thomas Groman <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #267: Xsnow is heavily outdated (broken).
Package: xsnow;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?zpPOuc+Oz4HOs86/z4IgzprPic+Dz4TPjM+Azr/Phc67zr/Pgg==?= <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #266: midori: video crash
Package: midori;
Reported by: Tech <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian moreinfo ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #265: README needs updating.
Package: bsdgames;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?zpPOuc+Oz4HOs86/z4IgzprPic+Dz4TPjM+Azr/Phc67zr/Pgg==?= <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #263: Wrong LSB infos
Package: lsb-release;
Reported by: Jan-Benedict Glaw <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #262: [atop] ..atop installs systemd cron job on non-systemd Devuan box...
Package: atop;
Reported by: Arnt Karlsen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #260: gufw: segfault gufw-pkexec
Package: gufw;
Reported by: Boruch Baum <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #259: exim4: aliases file not correctly configured
Package: exim4;
Reported by: Boruch Baum <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #258: [reportbug] ..devuan's reportbug obviously should be able to query, but cannot...
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Arnt Karlsen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie ascii;
merged with #134,
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #257: eudev: ..eudev upgrade fails when running vdev
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Arnt Karlsen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Arne Wichmann <[email protected]>.
- #256: [reportbug-ng] ..devuan's reportbug-ng obviously should report bugs to [email protected]
Package: reportbug-ng;
Reported by: Arnt Karlsen <[email protected]>;
merged with #242;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #254: init 1 hangs in ceres
Package: sysvinit;
Reported by: ". fsmithred" <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #253: thunderbird: The "Download the rest of the message"-function does not work any more for POP3
Package: thunderbird;
Reported by: Guenther Brunthaler <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #251: Error message and delay on boot, after encrypting the swap partition.
Package: cryptsetup;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?zpPOuc+Oz4HOs86/z4IgzprPic+Dz4TPjM+Azr/Phc67zr/Pgg==?= <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #248: Pip3 can't list outdated packages.
Package: python3-pip;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?zpPOuc+Oz4HOs86/z4IgzprPic+Dz4TPjM+Azr/Phc67zr/Pgg==?= <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #247: New trust anchor for DNSSEC is missing
Package: dnsmasq-base;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #246: amanda-server: backup of SMB volumes hasn't been working ever since the Samba 4.4 upgrade
Package: amanda-server;
Reported by: Alexander Bochmann <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #245: Qmake can't run.
Package: qtchooser;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?zpPOuc+Oz4HOs86/z4IgzprPic+Dz4TPjM+Azr/Phc67zr/Pgg==?= <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #243: libdbus-1-dev : Depends: libdbus-1-3 (= 1.10.8-1+devuan1) but 1.10.18-1+devuan2.3 is to be installed
Package: libdbus-1-dev;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?Tmljb2xhIE9ycsO5?= <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #242: Reportbug-ng sends the reports to Debian tracker.
Package: reportbug-ng;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?zpPOuc+Oz4HOs86/z4IgzprPic+Dz4TPjM+Azr/Phc67zr/Pgg==?= <[email protected]>;
merged with #256;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #241: Software-properties-kde is broken (can't start).
Package: software-properties-kde;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?zpPOuc+Oz4HOs86/z4IgzprPic+Dz4TPjM+Azr/Phc67zr/Pgg==?= <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #240: mate-power-manager: battery icon missing
Package: mate-power-manager;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?RGF2aWQgRHXFoWFuacSH?= <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #239: Cups print test page personalization for Devuan
Package: debian-config-override;
Reported by: Stephane Ascoet <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #238: Thunar 1.6.11 hangs due to deadlocks
Package: thunar;
Reported by: andrew <[email protected]>;
Keywords: upstream;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #237: cryptsetup: System hangs (minutes until timeout) on lvm on luks during shutdown. Patch attached.
Package: cryptsetup;
Reported by: =?utf-8?q?Dr=2E_Jan_Hau=C3=9F?= <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #236: apt: Old kernels are not auto-removed
Package: apt;
Reported by: Berbe <[email protected]>;
Done: Bernard Rosset <[email protected]>.
- #234: Problems with quagga in ascii
Package: quagga;
Reported by: Samuele <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #233: libpolkit-backend-1-0: switch dependency resolution to libpolkit-backend-1-0-elogind
Package: libpolkit-backend-1-0;
Reported by: Shane Kimble <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #232: xserver-xorg-input-wacom: starting X session results in permanent black screen
Package: xserver-xorg-input-wacom;
Reported by: Shane Kimble <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo debian;
Done: Arne Wichmann <[email protected]>.
- #231: apt-file constructs wrong url from /etc/apt/sources.list
Package: apt-file;
Reported by: Paul Wratt <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #230: apparmor: systemd-detect-virt: not found
Package: apparmor;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?Q?Lars_Nood=c3=a9n?= <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #229: Netinst ISO bug: Devuan Ascii install fails when XFCE and LXQT are both selected
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Dave <[email protected]>;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #228: Long description truncated from packages when using 'apt cache search'
Package: amprolla;
Reported by: Ottavio Caruso <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #227: nbd-client: At shutdown nbd-client disabled before file-systems could be cleanly unmounted
Package: sysvinit-utils;
Reported by: David Kuehling <[email protected]>;
Keywords: upstream;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #225: d1h: fail to cache; debian's package repo has moved
Package: d1h;
Reported by: psychi <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #224: [Procps package] ["free" command] "Old" output is now the only one without notice
Package: procps;
Reported by: Stephane Ascoet <[email protected]>;
Done: Arne Wichmann <[email protected]>.
- #222: hdparm rules use DEVNAME only
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Arne Wichmann <[email protected]>.
- #220: libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37: Attempting to install atril or libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 fails (same cause)
Package: libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37;
Reported by: Stefan Baur <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #217: reportbug: Unable to connect to Devuan BTS (error: "NoNetwork()"); continue [y|N|?]?
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie ascii;
merged with #134,
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #216: infrastructure: sends unencrypted to http://
Package: infrastructure;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #215: eudev in ceres will not configure
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Michael Knoop <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ceres;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #214: undefined symbol: xf86GetOS
Package: xserver-xorg-core;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #213: Thunderbird will not start
Package: thunderbird;
Reported by: Kristopher John Gamrat <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #212: firefox-esr doesn't launch
Package: firefox-esr;
Reported by: Kristopher John Gamrat <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #211: plymouth requires systemd
Package: plymouth;
Reported by: Kristopher John Gamrat <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #210: asking about non-free firmware
Package: debian-installer;
Reported by: KatolaZ <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #209: ASCII: Default config in ~/.bash_logout crashes X server
Package: bash;
Reported by: Michael Siegel <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #208: refractainstaller-gui does not recognize /dev/vda
Package: refractainstaller-gui;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #207: grub missing from minimal-live
Package: minimal-live;
Reported by: KatolaZ <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #206: ASCII installer desktop/LXQt tasks do not install 802.11 support
Package: tasksel;
Reported by: Carl Fink <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #201: Ascii/Xfce and elogind
Package: installation-reports;
Reported by: Riccardo Boninsegna <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #199: mirrors: InRelease files missing Origin: field
Package: mirrors;
Reported by: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>;
Done: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>.
- #198: Devuan installer images with incorrect branding
Package: debian-cd;
Reported by: Patrick Meade <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #197: debmirror fails on
Package: amprolla;
Reported by: yeti <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo;
Done: Daniel Reurich <[email protected]>.
- #196: remmina software is not
Package: remmina;
Reported by: Agustin Molina Toledo <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii moreinfo;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #194: Error when upgrading from jessie to ascii
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Malina Sulca <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #193: jessie/ascii_netinst: readme files, describes only debian jessie
Reported by: stanz <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #192: lightdm: Power management not working lightdm
Package: lightdm;
Reported by: Artem Malofeev <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #189: Installation step failed: Detect and mount CD-ROM
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Emil D <[email protected]>;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #188: debmirror, does not work with devuan ironically!
Package: debmirror;
Reported by: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]>;
Keywords: unreproducible;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #186: nut-server: package fails to install with udev error
Package: nut-server;
Reported by: Tom <[email protected]>;
Done: Svante Signell <[email protected]>.
- #185: Devuan/Debian's version of WordGrinder does not recognize "new" WordGrinder formatsu - k
Package: wordgrinder;
Reported by: Kristopher John Gamrat <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #184: please rebuild against libupower-glib1
Package: xfce4-power-manager;
Reported by: Hleb Valoshka <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #183: please rebuild against libupower-glib1
Package: xfce4-settings;
Reported by: Hleb Valoshka <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #182: please rebuild against libupower-glib1
Package: xfce4-systemload-plugin;
Reported by: Hleb Valoshka <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #181: wicd should stricly depend on net-tools
Package: wicd-daemon;
Reported by: Hleb Valoshka <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #179: Adding dependency to systemd that prevent boot
Package: libprocps6;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ceres;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #177: eudev postinst checks for running udev
Package: eudev;
Reported by: KatolaZ <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #175: The eudev package doesn't provide expected udev
Package: eudev;
Reported by: Alexei Sorokin <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #172: apt-get dist-upgrade or aptitude full-upgrade on VM with Default-Release set to ascii results in attempt to update kernel to ceres version
Package: libapt-pkg5.0;
Reported by: OmegaPhil <[email protected]>;
Owned by: Andreas Messer <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: Arne Wichmann <[email protected]>.
- #169: network-manager install configuration fails requiring udev service
Package: network-manager;
Reported by: Tom <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #168: apt-get update fails in ascii if a local mirror is used using a file:/// URL due to missing .xz files
Package: amprolla;
Reported by: Daniel Abrecht <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #167: Thunderbird language pack incompatible with current Thunderbird version
Package: thunderbird;
Reported by: Stefan Baur <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #166: virtualbox: install fail 4.3.36 & 5.1_5.1.30-118389~Debian~jessie
Package: virtualbox;
Reported by: Fulano Diego Perez <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #165: apt: connection impossible
Package: apt;
Reported by: Prof Al <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #164: gnutls: gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed.
Package: libcurl3-gnutls;
Reported by: david <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #163: File size mismatch using apt-transport-https
Package: apt-transport-https;
Reported by: Chillfan <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #162: lsb-desktop won't install
Package: lsb-desktop;
Reported by: Carlo Dormeletti <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #161: gvfs bug
Package: gvfs;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?TWF1cm8gUnViw6luIEzDs3BleiBJdHph?= <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #159: Devuan not known distribution in postgresql-common
Package: postgresql-common;
Reported by: Angelo Fuchs <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #158: jessie: wrong/unnecessary info in /etc/sources.list
Package: apt;
Reported by: Michael Siegel <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #154: reportbug cannot connect to bugtracker and cannot send bug report mails
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Moritz Strohm <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii jessie;
merged with #148;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #153: lsb-release: Ascii's os-release file reports wrong distro
Package: base-files;
Reported by: Evilham <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: Evilham <[email protected]>.
- #151: salt-common does not recognize Devuan as a Debian family OS
Package: salt-common;
Reported by: Chris Frey <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #149: invalid report type http, defaulting to debbugs
Package: base-files;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii jessie beowulf;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #148: reportbug can't deliver message since the mail server reports relay not permitted
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii jessie;
merged with #154;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #147: Cannot Install Toshiba Satellite C855D-S5105
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Laird Heal <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie moreinfo;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #146: init-systems-helper in ascii arm64 is still old version
Package: init-system-helpers;
Reported by: Michael Knoop <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #145: ASCII: System fails to shutdown/reboot with encrypted filesystems
Package: cryptsetup-bin;
Reported by: Alessandro Selli <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #144: apt-file update doesn't work
Package: apt-file;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Done: Jens Korte <[email protected]>.
- #143: sends queries for bug numbers etc. unencrypted
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #142: devuan lacks a bugtracker for the infrastructure
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Jens Korte <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #139: ASCII - clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy style issues
Package: desktop-base;
Reported by: Gary Olzeke <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #138: chrony: is always offline at system start
Package: chrony;
Reported by: Friedhelm Mehnert <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #137: Package cloud-utils can't be installed on devuan jessie
Package: cloud-utils;
Reported by: Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #135: reportbug doesn't include a Package header, then complains about no Package header
Reported by: John Franklin <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
merged with #92;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #134: reportbug: reportbug can't find the network
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: John Franklin <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie ascii;
merged with #217,
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #132: mysql-workbench: Alter table crashes Workbench
Package: mysql-workbench;
Reported by: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #131: non-free repos enabled by default
Package: devuan-baseconf;
Reported by: Bill Auger <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #130: libopenjfx-java depends on libopenjfx-jni but that package not available in the backports repository (arch: armhf)
Package: libopenjfx-java;
Reported by: Rens von Bilthoven <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #128: Syntax error in 05disable-suggests
Package: devuan-baseconf;
Reported by: "Base Lab" <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #127: wicd-curses crashes when associated with a WLAN having non-ascii characters in the SSID
Package: wicd-curses;
Reported by: Moritz Strohm <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #126: Unable to upgrate to openrc/testing
Package: openrc;
Reported by: "Base Lab" <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #124: https-uris don't work for ascii-security and jessie-securiy
Package: apt;
Reported by: Harald Hellmuth <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #123: mutt: Install missing required dependencies (libxapian30)
Package: mutt;
Reported by: Boruch Baum <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #122: reportbug: package not updated in stable repository
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Boruch Baum <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #121: reportbug recommends non-existent package (emacs23-bin-common)
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: Boruch Baum <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #120: New ncurses breaks perldoc
Package: ncurses;
Reported by: Klaus Ethgen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii debian;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #119: plasma-nm cannot connect to wireless networks on jessie
Package: plasma-nm;
Reported by: dimitsos <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #118: plasma-nm shows a question mark even on normal connections
Package: plasma-nm;
Reported by: dimitsos <[email protected]>;
Keywords: upstream;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #117: Adjust Devuan image labels
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: micha <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>.
- #116: d1h stage fails on versions with an epoch
Package: d1h;
Reported by: "Adam Borowski" <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #115: Bad symlinks to debootstrap scripts for suites stable/testing/unstable
Package: debootstrap;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #114: lxpanel & lxde hangs forever
Package: lxpanel;
Reported by: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #113: auditctl segmentation fault
Package: auditd;
Reported by: Mauro Rappa <[email protected]>;
Keywords: debian jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #112: slim: No mouse/cursor in GUI
Package: slim;
Reported by: Gordon Haverland <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #110: devuan-installer: GRUB installation fails on NMVe drives
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Olaf Meeuwissen <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #109: initscripts should depends on openrc as alternative to sysv-rc/file-rc
Package: initscripts;
Reported by: Mathieu Roy <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #108: gigabyte ga-78lmt-usb3 motherboard does not halt if power on by alarm is set in BIOS
Package: sysvinit-core;
Reported by: C W <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie moreinfo;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #107: xfce4-terminal: UI broken in ascii
Package: xfce4-terminal;
Reported by: Tom <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #106: tasksel has lower version string in ascii than jessie
Package: tasksel;
Reported by: Tom <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: OmegaPhil <[email protected]>.
- #103: postgresql: refers to Debian and "Unknow distribution" get from Devuan
Package: postgresql;
Reported by: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #102: gconf2 dependency chain needs systemd
Package: gconf2;
Reported by: Dario Salerno <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #99: devuan-installer: the installed devuan system is not fully accessible
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Gregory Nowak <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Gregory Nowak <[email protected]>.
- #98: live-iso: remove /etc/popularity-contest.conf
Package: live-iso;
Reported by: KatolaZ <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #94: xfce4-power-manager: no power status updates
Package: xfce4-power-manager;
Reported by: Hleb Valoshka <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
merged with #70;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #92: cannot file bugs against source packages
Reported by: Paul Wise <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
merged with #135;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #91: firejail: source package cannot be unpacked: error: Could not read 54e8048d675d46b2524c2213cc000e2b475bc630
Package: firejail;
Reported by: Paul Wise <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #90: Audio Mixer lost sound
Package: alsamixer;
Reported by: gary olzeke <[email protected]>;
Keywords: moreinfo jessie;
merged with #22;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #89: arm-sdk: no serial console by default on rpi3
Package: arm-sdk;
Reported by: Gregory Nowak <[email protected]>;
Done: "Ivan J." <[email protected]>.
- #84: arm-sdk: second partition in devuan_jessie_1.0.0_arm64_raspi3.img.xz is not block aligned
Package: arm-sdk;
Reported by: Gregory Nowak <[email protected]>;
Done: "Ivan J." <[email protected]>.
- #81: shutdown does not unmount usb hard drive properly - drive will not remount at boot without fsck first
Package: sysvinit-core;
Reported by: Michael Knoop <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #79: Missing dependency "libcanberra-gtk3-0" for package pitivi
Package: pitivi;
Reported by: Kristopher John Gamrat <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #78: unattended-upgrades: Default config for Origins-Pattern is for Debian, does not match Devuan repos/packages
Package: unattended-upgrades;
Reported by: bobemoe/gup <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #77: I can't write non ascii characters on xfce4-term
Package: xfce4-terminal;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?B?Tm/DqSBTdcOhcmV6?= <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #76: ZFS / Binaries
Package: |zfs-dkms;
Reported by: Chris Dos <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii jessie;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #75: InRelease formatting errors
Package: devuan-project;
Reported by: Michael Stroucken <[email protected]>;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #74: infraestructure horror, where to find info?
Package: desktop-base;
Reported by: PICCORO McKAY Lenz <[email protected]>;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #73: devuan-baseconf misplaces 05disable-suggest
Package: devuan-baseconf;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ceres;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #72: slim Depends: libpng12-0 (>= 1.2.13-4) but it is not installable (on ascii)
Package: slim;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #71: devuan-www broken links
Package: devuan-www;
Reported by: Ralph Ronnquist <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #70: xfce4-power-manager icon isn't updating
Package: xfce4-power-manager;
Reported by: n_hologram <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
merged with #94;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #69: 404 not found error in Adobe Flash Install
Package: flashplugin-nonfree;
Reported by: dxrobertson <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #68: udev logging not working in Devuan Jessie rc
Package: udev;
Reported by: Enrico Menotti <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #67: desktop-base missing in amd64 DVD iso
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #66: RC live-iso file permissions problem
Package: live-iso;
Reported by: fsmithred <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #65: base-files: /etc/debian_version exists after migrating from debian
Package: base-files;
Reported by: Gregory Nowak <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Evilham <[email protected]>.
- #64: Bug in Devuan installer kernel - panic/reboot at installation of additional software
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: Enrico Menotti <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #63: minimal-live has incorrect sha256 files
Package: minimal-live;
Reported by: Don Wright <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #59: d1h: add tag version specs in gbp.conf
Package: d1h;
Reported by: KatolaZ <[email protected]>;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #58: devscripts: adapt to
Package: devscripts;
Reported by: KatolaZ <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie ascii;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #55: VLC cannot read some DVDs from disc but can from ISO image file
Package: vlc;
Reported by: =?UTF-8?Q?Lars_Nood=c3=a9n?= <[email protected]>;
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Daniel Reurich <[email protected]>.
- #54: Available severities do not match those specified in the BTS conf
Package: reportbug;
Reported by: "Vincenzo \(KatolaZ\) Nicosia" <[email protected]>;
Keywords: ascii jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #52: test3: this is a simple test of reportbug
Package: test3;
Reported by: katolaz <[email protected]>;
Done: [email protected].
- #51: devuan-desktop: panel: Replace the system menu mouse icon with the round, purpy with swoosh
Package: devuan-desktop;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #50: devuan-desktop: desktop defaults: clearlooks-phenix-purpy-theme, Mate icons, DMZ white cursor.
Package: devuan-desktop;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #49: devuan-desktop: icons: The generic GNU icon that appears in the grub menu -
Package: devuan-desktop;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: jessie;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #48: devuan-project: grub splash: https://git.devuan.devuan-packages/desktop-base/tree/suites/jessie/grub/themes/devuan
Package: devuan-project;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: moreinfo jessie;
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #47: devuan-desktop: slim theme: Use this purpy slim theme! Not the one that's currently there
Package: devuan-desktop;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #46: devuan-art: Alternate WM themes
Package: devuan-art;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #45: devuan-project: Synaptic crashes
Package: devuan-project;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: jessie;
Done: Mark Hindley <[email protected]>.
- #44: desktop-base: Add "F1 to change window manager" to Login screen
Package: desktop-base;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: fsmithred <[email protected]>.
- #43: desktop-base: Add all special user names to login window
Package: devuan-project;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: jessie;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #42: devuan-art: Replace Debian logos in forked packages
Package: devuan-art;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: ascii;
Done: Daniel Reurich <[email protected]>.
- #41: devuan-project: Jessie: logrotate causes rsyslog to use old logfile
Package: devuan-project;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: jessie;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #37: devuan-installer: Rebrand the installer
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: jessie;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #36: devuan-project: Rebrand man pages
Package: devuan-project;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: jessie;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #33: devuan-installer: gnome is a desktop choice
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #32: devuan-installer: popularity-contest mentions
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #30: devuan-project: libc bug to be patched ASAP :)
Package: devuan-project;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #22: devuan-project: Sound volume turns, and stays mute
Package: alsamixer;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: moreinfo jessie;
merged with #90;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #20: devuan-installer: Improper text (Rebranding from Debian)
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: [email protected];
Keywords: jessie;
Done: "Ralph Ronnquist (rrq)" <[email protected]>.
- #18: devuan-installer: netinstall not able to detect USB network device wd320
Package: devuan-installer;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #16: devuan-www: Avoid using the word "cloud"
Package: devuan-www;
Reported by: [email protected];
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #15: devuan-project: the installer cannot find the wifi card
Package: devuan-project;
Reported by: katolaz <[email protected]>;
Done: KatolaZ <[email protected]>.
- #13: test3: still not working
Package: test3;
Reported by: katolaz <[email protected]>;
Done: katolaz <[email protected]>.
- #11: test3: yet another bug!!!
Package: test3;
Reported by: katolaz <[email protected]>;
Done: katolaz <[email protected]>.